Approval of training organizations

Pravila za odobravanje obuka

Organization wishing to be approved to conduct training by StandCert is required to apply through the form Application for approval of training organization.
The completed and signed Application with the attachments required by the Application should be submitted to StandCert, which reviews the Application.

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Kriterijumi za odobravanje obuka

Criteria for approving training organizations, to be met by organizations wishing to be approved by StandCert for training, which are preconditions for certification of persons, are prescribed by the certification scheme and include criteria for organization and training criteria related to content, duration and methods of conducting the training.

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StandCert DOO

Bulevar vojvode Mišića 39a, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: 011 2651499, Fax: 011 2652336
Tax identification number: 105883800, Registration number: 20480211
Komercijalna Banka a.d. bank account: 205-140307-50
