Criteria for organization
The minimum requirements that an organization must fulfill are following:
- it is a legal entity;
- it has space for conducting training;
- it has a documented system for providing training services;
- it has personnel with comprehensive knowledge and experience in the field in which it holds training;
- it has to know the certification scheme for which the candidate is trained.
Training criteria
A training organization that wants to be approved by StandCert needs to implement trainings that meet the following requirements:
Training content
The training must be designed so that it can meet the requirements for persons defined in the certification scheme of persons in which training is listed as a precondition.
Transitional training for auditors must be designed so that it can provide additional knowledge related to the new edition of the standard, primarily focusing on new and amended requirements of the standard, in order to achieve the applicable requirements for persons given in the certification scheme.
Duration of the training
Duration of the training for internal auditors is 16 hours and duration of the training for managers for management system and auditors is 40 hours.
Duration of additional training (training of a certified person who wants to apply for certification in the same category but for a different management system) is shorter than the duration of training for that category of persons and it is 8 hours for internal auditors and 24 hours for auditors and managers for management system. During these trainings, the knowledge related to the management system for which the person wants to be additionally trained is presented and they do not include parts related to the knowledge that is common and acquired through the already completed training for that category of persons.
Duration of transitional trainings is 16 hours.
Methods of conducting training
Training should be based on both theoretical and practical teaching:
- lectures illustrated with examples based on real cases;
- practical exercises that should include, but not be limited to, examples from practice;
- review of exercises in order to help prepare for the test;
- conducting a test similar to the certification test.
With the certification scheme, organizations for conducting training are introduced in direct communication with the representatives of StandCert, who are the owners of the scheme.