Rules for approval

Pravilima za odobravanje organizacija za izvođenje obuka StandCert d.o.o. je:
– propisao postupak odobravanja od strane StandCert d.o.o. organizacija koje izvode obuke koje su preduslov za sertifikaciju osoba po šemama sertifikacije po kojima StandCert sprovodi sertifikaciju osoba
– utvrdio zahteve koje treba da ispune ove organizacije da bi bile odobrene
– propisao prava i obaveze učesnika u procesu odobravanja.

Approval process

Organization wishing to be approved to conduct training by StandCert is required to apply through the form Application for approval of training organization.
The completed and signed Application with the attachments required by the Application should be submitted to StandCert, which reviews the Application.
Organizations can apply for approval of only those trainings that are listed as a precondition for the certification of persons conducted by StandCert.

StandCert will inform the applicant about results of the review of Application.

If the Application is accepted, a contract will be signed between the applicant and StandCert.

The process of evaluating the organization is carried out through the phases of documentation review and evaluation of organization during training.
If, during any of the assessment phases, nonconformities /deficiencies/concerns are identified, organization is obliged to eliminate them.
Decision to approve a training organization is made by the appropriate StandCert committee based on documentation review Report, evaluation Report of organization during the training, evidence of corrective action taken, and other documents/records submitted by the organization and records generated during the approval process.

To the organization, for which the decision was made to be approved, StandCert issues a approval decision of organization for conducting trainings.
More details about the approval procedure, surveillance on work of approved organization, manner of extension of the approval, reasons for suspension and revocation of the approval, obligations of approved organization, obligations of StandCert can be find in the Rules for approval of training organizations, which can be downloaded below. 

Rules for approval
