
After a three-year certification cycle, awarded certification ceases to be valid and the certified persons need to go through the recertification process to renew the certification.

Recertification criteria

Criteria for recertification of persons in the field of management systems:

  • certified person must meet the minimum criteria regarding continuous professional development and experience shown in the table below;
  • certified person must pass a written exam;
  • certified person must abide by the Code of conduct;
  • all complaints related to the work of the certified person must be resolved;
  • recertification costs must be settled.

Table: Criteria for recertification in relation to continuous professional development and experience

Experience in the previous certification cycle Continuing professional development*

3 internal audits,
15 hours on location

7 hours

MANAGERS FOR MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Work in the management system (quality manager, involvement in internal audits, quality controller; process owner, management representative, etc.) 7 hours
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AUDITORS 5 audits, 3 complete audits, 40 hours on location 7 hours

Recertification process

Stages in recertification process are identical to the stages in certification process:

  • Applying for recertification
  • Review of application and contracting/notifying the applicant on results of review
  • Conducting test
  • Making a certification decision

If a person wants to renew the certificate, it is necessary to submit an application for recertification together with evidence of meeting the criteria related to continuous professional development and experience and other evidence required by the application.

For all recertification applications received by StandCert two months before the expiration of the certificate, as well as in cases of delay in completing the application and evidence required by the application, StandCert does not guarantee the continuity of certification.

StandCert reviews the due application from the aspect of completeness and fulfillment of recertification preconditions. The applicant will be informed of the results of application review. If the applicant for recertification has submitted evidence that he meets the criteria for recertification in relation to continuous professional development and experience, the Contract is concluded.

After signing the Contract, the phase of conducting the exam begins. The structure of exam questions is identical to the structure of the exam conducted for the initial certification, except that the number of questions by topic is smaller, so that the total number of questions is 20% less than the number of questions in the initial certification. The pass criteria are identical to the criteria for initial certification.

If it is determined that the certified person meets all the criteria for recertification StandCert will make a decision on recertification.

If it is determined that a person does not meet only the criteria related to the experience in audits for the category of persons for which he is certified, StandCert will change the category of certified person so that it moves to the trainee category.
