About Us

StandCert d.o.o. is:
– accredited certification body that deals with the conformity assessment of management systems of organizations of all types and sizes in accordance with relevant, current standards for management systems
– first domestic accredited certification body for certification of persons in the field of management systems
In addition to the management system certification and certification of persons, StandCert provides training services in the field of management systems.


StandCert impartially, independently, professionally and objectively certifies the management systems of organizations, as well as persons in the field of management systems, in accordance with the requirements of the applied standards. By providing training for management systems, we encourage organizations of all types and sizes to raise the work culture and improve the effectiveness of their business processes. By providing these services, we actively participate in creating a better business environment for all entities, and by constantly increasing the quality of services, we increase the trust of interested parties to perform their work professionally and honestly.


StandCert wants to be one of the key participants in creating and maintaining quality infrastructure in the Republic of Serbia by:

  • recognising the needs of interested parties,
  • accepting the requirements of relevant standards,
  • actively participating in development of new schemes for certification of management systems and persons
  • providing clients with new knowledge and innovation of existing ones.


The Director of StandCert has published a Quality Policy and a Personal Data Protection Policy. They can be downloaded via the following links QUALITY POLICY and PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION POLICY


StandCert is accredited by the Accreditation Body of Serbia for management system certification and certification of persons in the field of management system.
The scope of accreditation for management system certification can be downloaded here. 08-005
The scope of accreditation for certification of persons can be downloaded here.07-007

Statement of impartiality
Management system certification

StandCert conducts the certification process in a way that ensures a high degree of public trust and belief that it is performed impartially. Full statement can be downloaded on the link below.

Download the statement

Statement of impartiality
Certification of persons

StandCert management is fully aware of the importance of certifying persons in an impartial manner as well as ensuring the objectivity of all certification activities and managing conflicts of interest. With this in mind, StandCert Director has published a Statement of Impartiality which can be downloaded below.

Download the statement

StandCert DOO

Bulevar vojvode Mišića 39a, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: 011 2651499, Fax: 011 2652336
Mail: office@standcert.rs
Tax identification number: 105883800, Registration number: 20480211
Komercijalna Banka a.d. bank account: 205-140307-50
